Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Last night Maury and I were chatting about what to feature in our blog and, of course, Kate's name came up right away, along with design duo Meadham Kirchhoff. I believe every real fashionista has a lil' Kate in them. Her style, admired by many, is a fusion of rock/mod/goth. Kate is quite faithful to her dark color palette but once in a while she'll give us a punch of color, and by color i mean neutrals. LOL. Kate's the queen of accessorizing! I learned how to accessorize myself simply by watching her. Funny enough today, Jak and Jil featured Kate as well and titled their post "Kate The Great," which is definitely a catchy and appropriate description of her. So here we are today, paying Kate Lanphear, Senior Fashion Editor at Elle US, a duly deserved homage!

(image courtesy of christinatjelland.files.wordpress, the-electric.blogspot, chictopia, monochromator.blogspot)


  1. She always looks so chic. I love her bracelets so much x

  2. I saw her today at a showroom. I first noticed her jacket which was denim jacket with black leather sleeves...freakin awesome! Her skin is PERFECT with zero makeup. This world is not too balanced is it?!


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