Monday, June 29, 2009

Jeffrey Campbell Ann Demeulemeester Knock Offs

Maury's been wanting the real Ann Demeulemeester lace-ups forever but they are sold out. She recently discovered that Jeffrey Campbell had made Ann Demeulemeester knock offs exclusively for LF Stores. Last night we saw the multi talented and groundbreaking fashionista Cocorosa wearing the Jeffrey Campbell "Ann Tie" shoes in her blog and we said that's it, we better get'em before its too late! These too are sold out in Manhahttan but the Miami, Easthampton and Southampton stores have them in stock, although they are selling fast. We ordered them from the LF Store in Easthampton NY this morning! The salespeople were great! She suggested we order a half size down because they are not true to size. We cannot wait to get'em! We ordered them over the phone and they will ship for $10 fedex ground, so the total was $175. So if you really want these, I suggest you act fast and order over the phone. Bet they won't be around for long. I remember when the Sam Edelman "Balenciaga" knock offs were being sold on the Victoria's Secret site, I almost got them and I so regret I didn't go through with the purchase. I don't want the same thing happening this time. Checkout LF store locations at

The Knock Offs:

Cocorosa from My Precious Confessions and her "Ann Ties"
"Ann Tie" Ebay pics
Ebay ann
Ebay ann1  

The Original:

Martina of Little Fashion Treasury and her Ann Demeulemeesters
Lil fashion
Jane from Sea of Shoes and her Ann D's
Saks image
Can anyone tell me what differences they see between the knock offs and the originals? (other than the price tag, lol.)

Images:, the-little-fashion-treasury.blogspot,,


  1. Those are so close, I wouldn't be able to tell! They kinda remind me of a ballerina version of Doc's hehe.

  2. wow, Those Jeffrey Campbell looks so much like the Ann D lace up. Are you and Maury getting them?
    I got your comment on the Twilight jacket. It's so cute :) your niece must like the movie :)
    Have a nice day,

  3. They look the same to me - if I'm not mistaken, my friend Sonia has a pair - she used to work at LF and had access to all their fabulous merchandise at a discounted price. Can't wait to see how you two style them! Have a great day :)

  4. oo its prob just the quality if its not about the price! eheh no idea :) x

  5. Congrats on getting a pair! I think the JC are the best knock-offs of the Ann D boots that I have seen! I think the JC ones end a little higher on the leg..but don't sweat the small stuff, as long as you are happy :)

  6. They really are dead-ringers for the real thing. Of course, the real difference will be in the quality of the materials. You can tell the real ones are made with higher quality leather, but I don't think anyone will know the difference on your feet!

  7. Gisela... so sorry. your comments were going to my Spam for some reason... did not see it until now!!!!!!! Oops.
    Love your blog though.... and would love to link you if that's ok ;D
    For the Sake of Fashion - Grazi

  8. Nice post!
    Now a days lot of designs have arrived in to men & womens fashion style. But one of the key items every men & woman should have is a pair of jeans that flatters your figure and can be dressed up or down.

  9. OOOoo I love them! I don't know if they're really for me though. I'm sure I will regret letting them pass me by.
    BTW the studded booties I got are from the Victoria's Secret website from around december of 2008. I bought them at the semi-annual sale and shortly after that they all sold out. Sorry :(

  10. Those shoes are just divine! If you ask me, I guess the only difference would be in quality only.

  11. great find! i saw the JC version on ebay a week ago and they were being sold for $200. thanks for sharing the info.
    love your blog!

  12. yes, the knock-offs have 13 holes for lacing and the originals have only 11. so the knock-offs are taller on the calf. but free people has a suede knock-off that has 11 holes. its heel is maybe an inch shorter than ann d's. all 3 prs look good--each is just slightly different.

  13. I must thank you for posting this! I got right to calling--I had to call A LOT of stores--and I was able to find the last pair in a store in Boston and in my size! Yay! I am from California so they are being sent to me. But then I showed my sister and she wants a pair too. Aw, I felt bad for her so now I am on the search again so I can surprise her! THANK YOU!

  14. AD one is leather and the FP knock off one is suede. At least that's what I saw on their websites.

  15. Hello! Do you know where I still can find them? I called every stores, looked everywhere in the internet but they don't exist anymore! I'm so desperate!
    Please help me!

  16. room divider

    HEIGHTS of FASHION: Jeffrey Campbell Ann Demeulemeester Knock Offs


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