Monday, March 8, 2010

Visually Stimulating





Anna Dello Russo is a style icon that I follow and cherish for the image she exudes. Jak and Jil posted these amazing images of her amazing apartment and I just had to repost as I am a big follower of her style. Below is an article I found on the about Anna. 

Name: Anna Dello Russo

Occupation: Formerly of L’uomo Vogue, now Fashion Director at Large & Creative Consultant, Vogue Nippon 

Her World: High fashion, High credit limit 


After finishing her degree in Italian Literature and Art History and attending the Domus Academy in Milan, Dello Russo’s rise in the fashion industry was swift. She spent just one month at Donna Magazine, after which she met Annalisa Milella, who at the time was working with Vogue Italia. After only 8 months of collaboration with Milella, Dello Russo found herself working full time at Vogue Italia. She spent 18 years as a part of the Italia family, working at both Vogue Italia and L’Uomo Vogue and in 2006, she parted ways and began to work freelance. Officially, Dello Russo has said that she was tired of working in men’s fashion and wanted to get back to her roots, but rumor has it that her activity as a professional consultant was hindering her relationships at the magazine. It is reported that she was making so much money it caught the attention of the Revenue Authorities and the Journalist Association. Although she has clearly articulated that she was never made to choose, Franca Sozzani has been quoted saying that she ‘[could not] allow that people working at [her] magazine [would be] consulting at the same time.’ Dello Russo’s client list is said to be only important and international clients but she keeps it very private in efforts to not out shadow the brand’s fame. “I’m called to make the cake but all the ingredients are already there.” As fashion director and creative consultant for Vogue Nippon she still has an office in the Milanese quarter of Conde Nast but she spends most of her time contributing to the creative vision and branding of designers and fashion houses alike.

Despite her grand contributions to the international fashion community, Dello Russo is best known for her impressive wardrobe and incomprehensible fashion collection. Obsessed with image, Dello Russo admits that clothes are like a disease for her. She doesn’t just shop, she collects; buying clothing she might only wear once, if ever. She has an obsession with jewelry and accessories; including a collection of over 4000 pairs of shoes and keeps a display window of her favorite shoes and another for jewelry in one of her homes. She keeps a separate apartment exclusively for her clothing. Everything is tagged and enveloped, she keeps very accurate archives and dreams of one day having her own foundation. 


"Everyone has a strength. The English people sell very well because their editorial style is a little avant-garde; they are always the first at looking for new ideas. We Italians, have a very beautiful product that no one can beat, for quality, efficiency and tradition. The French people have that allure; in Paris you can feel a fantastic glamour at each show. The Americans have the money and the power, can you ask for more?"







As we are beginning to wrap up the Fall 10 collections I had to post on one of my favorites every season: LANVIN. Alber Elbaz to me is a visionary that doesn't settle for creating a minimalist world for his followers, he lavishes every dress with every ornamental trim or object he can find. From feathers, furs, beads, sequins, jewelry, metals, etc...he doesn't let one thing dictate his collection and in this fall 10 collection we see how awesomely divine he can be in every way. I can clearly see Anna dello Russo wearing every piece in this collection, perhaps she is one of Alber's muses. 






Maury and Gisela

Images: JakandJil and Style and Vogue UK



  1. i know amazing was that piece that tommmy did.
    and i truely understood what he meant when he said something along the
    lines of how a camera couldn't really capture it all.
    Is like when i went to paris, or when i was in rome... or went to the Metroplitain Musesum (typo) when i went to see the rooms/interiors. none of the mediums i used to capture the essence of the "greatness" was compariable to being there in real life...let along a human mind itself was having a hard time capturing or processing it all cause there was just so much amazing-ness all over...and is one after another..and another...another. so, judging by the images(which he did a great job on as always)..i could only imagin.
    ladies...keep up tha good work

  2. When I first saw Anna's home I thought wow her home is so ornate like a palace, but then there is a trick, you look closely and all of that is a photograph. It's very funny. And I like that you can see a sense of humor through that. I've read some interviews with Anna and I really begin to like her. She really has a passion. And I admire her, not because she has 4000 pairs of shoes, but because she really has a knowledge and she makes it clear that she worked very hard for years to get to the level she is now.
    I have to take a look at Lanvin, it seems like I would like it, but I guess I'll look when the actual season is here.

  3. Crazy, I didn't realize that was her actual home! What an insane life she has led. It would be amazing to walk through her collection of clothes and shoes.

  4. Beautiful post...keep up the great work!
    I love that Anna shines with a great confidence and beauty because she does what she wants and lets herself shine through. She is certainly a leader...
    Reminds me to let my inner beauty to show and everything will follow...

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